Clinical Skills Development Service

Maternity emergency training: now in rural and remote areas

The Maternity Education team at CSDS is thrilled to announce that we are taking the Maternity Emergency Program to regional, rural, and remote facilities. This initiative is made possible through the funding...

Venue hire at CSDS

Are you on the lookout for the perfect venue to host your next clinical event? Whether you’re hosting meetings, workshops, courses, conferences, filming projects, or clinical simulation events, CSDS offers versatile venue hire options for any...

The art of fit testing

CSDS has offered fit testing since 2021 when we took on the responsibility of managing the Fit Testing Program for Metro North Health. Since then, CSDS has tested over 52 000 staff members. Each staff member has at least 2 fit tests which brings the...

CSDS continues online course development

The field of healthcare is constantly advancing. At CSDS we understand that staying current with the ever-evolving field of healthcare is vital for medical personnel. With the continuous emergence of new technologies, treatment methods, and...

Celebrating 10,000 Orders!

In June 2022, we received our 10,000th equipment and consumables order from Zach Buxton, Simulation Educator of the Ipswich Hospital Simulation Centre, West Moreton Health. This order marked a significant milestone in our pursuit of supporting...