As we close out another incredible year, we take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments and milestones against our four focus areas. Focus area #1: Provide a statewide service that targets clinical skills...
CSDS Staff Spotlight – Simulation Team
Tracey, Davin, Sandra, Kim, Georg, Prudence, Julia, Lee and Kimberly. We are passionate about healthcare simulation because we can support the healthcare workforce to improve their competence and confidence in both their technical and non-technical...
The new Pocket Centre Network map
We created a map of the widespread Pocket Centre sites as another opportunity for collaboration and teamwork.
#SIMinar 1: CSDS Responding to COVID-19
Opened by Mark Butterworth, Acting Executive Director, Safety and Quality, and Clinical Skills Development Service, Presented by Luke Wainwright (Nurse Educator, CSDS). During this presentation Luke will discuss the important role simulation has...
CSDS Staff Spotlight – CSDS Nursing Director
Belinda Faulkner (Nursing Director). The excellent work we do to support clinicians and ultimately improve the care for the patient is very fulfilling and satisfying.