
When requesting an equipment loan please ensure you order the associated consumables from the products section of the SimShop. For example, an IO leg insert for ALS Baby or ICC pads for Super Annie. Equipment does not come with any consumables.


All equipment loans

Little Junior

The Laerdal Little Junior is a head and torso part-task trainer that simulates a child of average ph ..more

Only available to Pocket Centre staff
Male Catheterisation Trainer Advanced

The Catheterisation Trainers allows the trainee to learn urinary catheterisation techinques. The fee ..more

Only available to Pocket Centre staff
Male Multi-Venous IV arm

The Laerdal Male Multi-Venous IV Arm is designed for training professionals in the practice of venip ..more

Only available to Pocket Centre staff
Mama Natalie

Only available to Pocket Centre staff
Maternity Simulator - Noelle (Maggie)

The Noelle Birthing Simulator, or Maggie, as she is known in CSDS, is a valuable birthing manikin, a ..more

Only available to Pocket Centre staff
MATT Trainer

The MATT Trainer is a Minimal Access Therapy Trainer, which provides the user with hands on laparosc ..more

Only available to Pocket Centre staff
Matt Trainer - White Box

A portable laparoscopic technique trainer for structured and staged 'hands-on' training. can be used ..more

Only available to Pocket Centre staff
Megacode Kelly

Megacode Kelly is a full body manikin designed for the practice of advanced, difficult and obstructe ..more

Only available to Pocket Centre staff
Megacode Kid

MegaCode Kid can help educators implement training for a wide range of emergency skills including CP ..more

Only available to Pocket Centre staff
Neonatal Airway Management Trainer

The Laerdal Neonatal Intubation Trainer allows teaching of intubation skills on a simulated newborn ..more

Only available to Pocket Centre staff