As we close out another incredible year, we take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments and milestones against our four focus areas. Focus area #1: Provide a statewide service that targets clinical skills...
Hospital of Origin
Let’s get ready to rumble! Date: Wednesday 13 June, 11:30am – 1:00pm Venue: Edwin Tooth Auditorium, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital The inaugural Hospital of Origin competition is a healthcare challenge testing teams on their teamwork...
Faculty Improvement Collaborative
On Monday 12 March 2018, CSDS hosted the inaugural Faculty Improvement Collaborative (FIC)
Patient experience story
On 28 August, 2017 Mrs Matekino Baker was admitted to the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH) suffering an acute stroke. The fast actions of her family and great work by the staff at RBWH saved her life that day.
Reflexive Sim… What’s it all about?
Reflexive simulation is all about understanding how work is done. It is the sociology of knowledge that refers to the circular relationships between cause and effect. This new quality improvement tool, combines traditional uses of simulation with a...