Clinical Skills Development Service

Highlights of Healthcare Simulation Week 2019

CSDS celebrated our favourite week of the year, Healthcare Simulation Week! #HcSimWeek19

CSDS booth at the RBWH atrium

We had a great time sharing our passion for simulation education to all who would listen. We kicked off the week with an interactive booth at the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital where our staff were able to interact with clinicians and patients alike. Hearing some of their touching stories really helps to bring home why we do what we do!

CSDS booth for Healthcare Simulation Week 2019

CSDS Escape Room antics

During #HcSimWeek19 we got experimental when we delivered our inaugural Escape Room Challenge. Based on the work of Rosenkrantz et al. (2019), using escape rooms to prime healthcare students on the importance of non-technical skills in healthcare, we created our own room. Two teams participated in the event with great success and fun was had by all. It was fantastic to see both clinical and non-clinical participants working together. They solved puzzles and developed their leadership, situational awareness, communication, and teamwork skills to find their way out. The feedback from the event was excellent and we are planning to deliver more in the future.

Escape room team at Healthcare Simulation Week 2019

Faculty feedback

CSDS staff were all geared up to celebrate during our All Staff Meeting and were lucky enough to have one of our valued faculty members Dr Nathan Peters take the time to talk to us about the work he is doing and the great support he is receiving from CSDS.

Dr Peters is a staff specialist Anaesthetist at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Interested in all things related to anaesthesia but particularly point of care heart, lung, and abdominal Ultrasound. Dr Peters was instrumental in establishing simulation-based ultrasound education programs with the help of CSDS, now delivered across Queensland. He is currently involved in new course development at CSDS and is very excited about how simulation-based ultrasound training will benefit patients in the future. All of Dr Peters hard work has led to him receiving recognition for his excellence in training in this area.

We also got in some time with other valued members of faculty and simulation advocates to conduct short interviews about their use of simulation in healthcare, look out for these coming soon.

Dr. Nathan Peters at CSDS

The work can’t stop to celebrate!

Even with all the excitement going on it was still business as usual in the centre. And a busy one at that. We had a few large events during the week including the simulation course EMERGO and the Metro North Emergency EMAC Spring Education and Simulation Day 2019.

Metro North Emergency Department Education Day

Thank you to everyone who was involved and took the time to celebrate with us.

Happy Healthcare Simulation Week 2019 to all!

Rosenkrantz, O., Jensen, T. W., Sarmasoglu, S., Madsen, S., Eberhard, K., Ersbøll, A. K., & Dieckmann, P. (2019). Priming healthcare students on the importance of non-technical skills in healthcare: How to setup a medical escape room game experience. Medical Teacher, 1-8. doi:10.1080/0142159X.2019.1636953