As we close out another incredible year, we take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments and milestones against our four focus areas. Focus area #1: Provide a statewide service that targets clinical skills...
NSQHS Standards Portal
The NSQHS Standards digital web portal is designed to bring together learning resources such as eLearning and video into one easy to access platform for staff. Hosting a complete range of national web packages, users can navigate through a library...
Mannequin Challenge – Unfreezing for 2017
Our mannequins are up for any challenge! They may be plastic but they’re passionate about their role in helping save lives #legitmannequinchallenge #merrychristmas #challengeacceptedmetrosouth #mannequinchallenge As 2016 draws to a close, we would...
Tracheostomy and Speech Pathology (TASP)
The Department of Health, Queensland has been running the Tracheostomy and Speech Pathology (TASP) simulation workshop since 2011. (Ward et al., Can human mannequin-based simulation provide a feasible and clinically acceptable method for training...
STaR – Edition 4
Merry Christmas readers! The fourth edition of the STaR (Simulation Training and Research) magazine is now available. This release will provide exciting information on what has occurred within CSDS since the release of the previous edition, as well...