Clinical Skills Development Service

Staff Spotlight – Assistant Business Manager CSDS

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As part of our #HcSimWeek21 celebration, we interviewed our Assistant Business Manager, Michael Graham. This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

Michael Graham – Assistant Business Manager

Tell us about your role at CSDS

I am part of the Metro North Health Business Advisory team which is a division of Metro North Health Finance. Business Advisory is responsible for general financial management in the operational service lines. Fortunately, I am physically located within CSDS which enables me to be included in the operational and business strategy and really makes my role easier in the long run. I work very closely with the CSDS management team to ensure that our financial management aligns with our operational and strategic plans. 

My role includes budget setting and planning, financial and establishment reporting, providing advice on procurement and financial governance, and training and education of staff concerning all matters of financial management.    

What are your interests outside of work?

I love traveling and like most people cannot wait to jump on a plane and travel somewhere far away once we have dealt with the pandemic. In a strange way I am also thankful as the travel ban has forced me to explore some amazing destinations a little closer to home 

What is something that people might not know about CSDS?

There are so many things that I see every day that I didn’t know we did here at CSDS!  Like most industry that has survived through COVID-19, CSDS was forced to pivot as our ability to deliver our core business was compromised.  CSDS was called upon to fill various training gaps during the pandemic, this included development of instructional videos, assisting with pandemic related training development, and establishing Metro North’s Mask Fit Testing Program.   

What is your favourite thing about working at CSDS

I think what I enjoy most about working at CSDS is the diversity. At any one time we could be working on projects, initiatives or programs which ensures the work is never boring – the “business-as-usual” is often far from usual. From a personal point of view this provides me with an opportunity to work with all facets of the CSDS business. 

CSDS has such a diverse range of highly skilled professionals from both clinical and non-clinical streams.  It is a privilege to work with and learn from these people everyday. 

I also enjoy that we are a statewide service which provides exposure to life outside of the Metro North Health bubble. It is satisfying hearing feedback from the various other Hospital and Health Service thanking CSDS for supporting their own local training initiatives. 

Why are you passionate about healthcare simulation?

Speaking honestly, I had very little clue about healthcare simulation prior to joining CSDS. What I have learned since is that the training we provide, on the state-of-the-art equipment we have access to, is so beneficial to assisting clinicians in completing their work and keeping patients safe.