As we close out another incredible year, we take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments and milestones against our four focus areas. Focus area #1: Provide a statewide service that targets clinical skills...
Making simulated fresh frozen plasma
A step-by-step guide to making simulated fresh frozen plasma (and other blood products, such as cryoprecipitate) for use in healthcare simulations.
The SimGHOSTS are coming
The SimGHOSTS, otherwise known as The Gathering of Healthcare Simulation Technology Specialists, are coming to Australia this year with a conference for simulation technology specialists at the University of Sunshine Coast at Sippy Downs...
CSDS on world stage at SimHealth Conference
CSDS recently had a significant presence at the 2013 annual SimHealth Conference held at the Brisbane Convention centre over the period 16 – 19 September 2013 and hosted by Simulation Australia. The conference was a national forum for...