Clinical Skills Development Service

SimGHOSTS 2014 Australia CSDS Plenary session

SimGHOSTS’ 2014 Australia Gold Sponsor Clinical Skills Development Service (CSDS) brought some of their world-famous training courses and staff to Australia’s first sim teaching specific training event to better connect with Sim Techs from around the world.

CSDS presented two training courses at the event as well as the event’s plenary session.

CSDS Sponsored Plenary Session

Oscar Wilde once said: ‘Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing’. Simulation has quickly become the new facebook, ‘selfie’, iPhone and even the answer to reduce medical errors. As simulation providers, educators and managers our roles have become more complicated and diverse. So how do you sustain your centre, how do you increase access and at an affordable price to all clinicians? How do you fix and maintain your simulators, how do you upgrade your fleet, how do you train your staff and replace them, and how do you stay current with the developments of technology and methodology of simulation deliver?

In this session Dylan Campher, Director of Simulation and the Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Simulation at CSDS will explore how the distributed simulation model works. As a service CSDS manages partnership agreements with 45 Pocket Simulation Centres scattered throughout Queensland and Northern New South Wales.

Over the past 14 years, Dylan has contributed to healthcare as a clinician, educator, program manager and executive. Dylan’s experience in simulation and education includes: operation, delivery, development, assessment and evaluation of simulation and on-line programs. Dylan has presented both nationally and internationally on a diverse range of simulation topics. Dylan is also the co-author of the book “Medical Crisis Management, Improving Performance Under Pressure” and is also the lead assessor and co-author of the Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Simulation.