As we close out another incredible year, we take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments and milestones against our four focus areas. Focus area #1: Provide a statewide service that targets clinical skills...
CSDSx20 Symposium – Recap
Symposium Opening Morning Session – Part 1 Dr Mia McLanders from the Clinical Skills Development Service (CSDS), uses Human Factors principles to highlight how clinical environments, tools, and processes influence performance. In this...
New Queensland Trauma Education website offers free resources for trauma care professionals
The CSDS team has launched a newly revamped website designed as a comprehensive resource hub for trauma care professionals across Queensland. This platform provides healthcare providers with the knowledge and tools to support high-quality trauma...
A big win for Queensland Trauma Education
We are excited to share that Queensland Trauma Education (QTE) has been officially recognised as the premier educational resource for Emergency Physicians, fellows, and trainees across Australia and New Zealand by the Australian College of Emergency...
Upcoming changes to venue hire prices
As part of the commitment to maintaining the highest standards of service and continuously enhancing offerings, the CSDS team will be implementing a modest increase in venue hire fees, effective 1st July 2024. Why is this happening? This decision...