Calling all medical, nursing and allied health staff! Participate in a research project aiming to enhance support for clinicians treating rural patients. Collaborating with Griffith University, Clinical Excellence Queensland, the Clinical Skills Development Service, and the Jamieson Trauma Institute, this study involves simulated rural patient care scenarios involving telehealth. In some scenarios, a head-worn augmented reality device will be used for communication, and in other scenarios, the existing telehealth system will be used for communication.

Why join?
Findings from this study will provide valuable insight into the usability and applicability of wearable communication devices to improve the quality of telehealth support provided to rural clinicians.
When & where?
Testing sessions will take place at the Clinical Skills Development Service located at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (Block 6). Each session will take up to 2 hours, and each participant is only required to attend a single session.
To register your interest or if you have any questions, please email the Coordinating Principal Investigator Chiara Santomauro at or