Recently the CSDS team visited the Townsville University Hospital to deliver Technical Simulation Training (TST) and Fundamentals of Debriefing (FOD) courses. Led by Nurse Educator Simulation Adam Trebilco and Simulation Educator Davin Arthur, the team conducted 2 FOD courses and 1 TST course.

The FOD course offered participants an understanding of various debriefing theories and techniques and provided an opportunity to apply these in simulation-based education. Debriefing skills and techniques were rehearsed using a range of activities including supervised debriefs of actual scenarios where the participants could practice debriefing techniques. Topics included understanding participant’s actions, debriefing objectives, structure and theories and techniques.
In parallel, the TST course provided participants the fundamental knowledge and skills required to deliver and support simulation based learning activities in a healthcare environment. The course covered a wide array of topics from fundamentals of simulation to application of moulage.

The training sessions saw the participation of 17 learners, all from Townsville. The enthusiasm and dedication displayed by the participants underscored the importance of simulation education in advancing healthcare practices.
Furthermore, the CSDS team’s commitment to empowering local healthcare professionals was evident, as they trained two new Faculty members from Townsville in TST, ensuring the sustainability of simulation education within the community.
The collaboration between the CSDS team and Townsville University Hospital exemplifies a shared commitment to advancing healthcare education and ultimately improving patient outcomes. Please reach out to the CSDS courses team to explore potential collaboration opportunities on