Immersive Learning Lab
The CSDS Immersive Learning Lab is open for a limited time trial. The space is designed to encourage the exploration of the latest learning technology.

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Quest 2
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iPad Pro
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Galaxy Tab S6
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First Steps
How to
Take your first steps in VR and get to know your controllers in this short experience that showcases the power of Oculus.
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Tilt Brush
VR Experience
Tilt Brush lets you paint in 3D space with virtual reality. Unleash your creativity with three-dimensional brush strokes, stars, light, and even fire. Your room is your canvas. Your palette is your imagination.
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How to
Calibrates the HoloLens to the user.

Learn Gestures
How to
Teaches user the gestures required to operate the HoloLens.

Technical Skills
The easiest way to create and share interactive, 3D product presentations. Designed for training, prototyping and product demos.
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Hand Physics Lab
Technical Skills
An experimental project that allows you to discover several experiences to interact with your hands.
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CAE Vimedix
CAE Vimedix is a high-fidelity simulator that facilitates the learning process for cardiac, lung, abdominal and ob/gyn ultrasound – all on one common platform.
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Oculus First Contact
Technical Skills
Experience the magic of ‘presence’ in VR, exploring moments that feel as real as they are fantastically impossible. Make a new (robot) friend, then touch, tap, bounce, hold and throw things, and play together.
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VR Fire Extinguisher Training
Technical Skills
Learn the PASS (Pull-Aim-Squeeze-Sweep) method of proper fire extinguisher use along with the different types of fire and extinguishers. Test your skills in three difference real world scenarios.
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Google Earth VR
VR Experience
Take a trip into orbit and experience life on board the International Space Station! Learn how to move and work in zero-gravity using your controllers. Dock a space capsule, take a spacewalk, and let real NASA astronauts guide you on the ISS.
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Surgical Airway Training by CSDS
Technical Skills
A Mixed Reality (MR) experience that demostrates the steps of a cricothyroidotomy, a life-saving procedure that requires technical skills and precision delivered in a timely manner.

Sharecare VR 2017
A real-time simulation of the human body that lows anyone to freely navigate and explore an anatomically accurate 3D model of the human body, its organs, and their natural function. Visualize how your body works. Explore organs and systems.
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The Lab
Technical Skills
Brings efficiency to the education and training and re-engages people in immersive and social environments that leverage our natural human desires for socialization and achievement, reducing the leader-learner paradigm to an average of 8 meaningful hours of intentional interaction.
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Deteriorating Patient 3D Avatar by CSDS
A 3D head allows facilitators to alter the appearence of an elderly male to reflect key elements of a deterioring patient.
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Copilot Virtual Human - Demo
Teaches leadership and communication skills. How do you practice skills like negotiating and sales, simulate what it’s like to handle a difficult customer, or gain experience giving critical feedback?
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CAE LucinaAR
CAE Lucina is the only wireless childbirth simulator with validated, integrated maternal-fetal physiology and interchangeable static cervices to train on all the stages of delivery and the rare emergency scenario.
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Maternity 3D Training by CSDS
An interactive 3D animation tool that can be used as a training aid to teach the mechanisms and manoeuvres of shoulder dystocia and breech birth. The shoulder dystocia component will be used to study use of 3D versus 2D educational materials to teach graduate midwives how to manage a shoulder dystocia obstetric emergency.
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Non-technical Skills
Brings people together for hangouts, immersive presentations, team planning, product reviews, and brainstorms. Create your lifelike 3D avatar from a selfie in seconds - your avatar talks, moves, and interacts, mirroring in-person collaborative sessions.
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Insertion of Intercostal Catheter by CSDS
Technical Skills
Augmented reality demonstration of the insertion of a large bore intercostal catheter.
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The Body VR: Journey Inside a Cell
An educational virtual reality experience that takes the user inside the human body. Travel through the bloodstream and discover how blood cells work to spread oxygen throughout the body. Enter one of the billions of living cells inside our body and learn how the organelles work together to fight deadly viruses.
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Medicalholodeck is the platform for medical virtual reality. Use the DICOM Viewer and the human anatomy apps in virtual reality for medical education, surgery preparation, and patient information.
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VR Experience
Defend your home from a robot invasion in this mixed reality first-person shooter. A swarm of interstellar robots sweeps across the galaxy, silencing countless worlds along the way.
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